
Xiameter MEM-0036 Emulsion

Xiameter® MEM-0036 emulsion is a versatile silicone emulsion. The non-ionic product is ready to use and gives surfaces a glossy and lacquer-like appearance. Xiameter® MEM-0036 emulsion is water resistant and can be diluted up to a ratio of 1:130. Xiameter® MEM-0036 has a good emulsion stability even under thermal load and complies with the Detergent Regulation (EC) No. 648/2004. It is preferably used for the mould separation of rubber or plastic parts, the lubrication of conveyor belts for extruded rubber parts and as a textile lubricant for yarn production, sewing thread lubrication, hosiery production and the lubrication of sewing needles.

Product details

Product Name Xiameter MEM-0036 Emulsion
Manufacturer DuPont
Product category Release Agent
Subcategory Release Agent
Base oil Aqueous Silicone Emulsion
Appearance White

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